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Media Lions: Money goes digital

Type Of Entry: Product and Service
Category: Financial Products & Services
Advertiser/Client: ASB BANK
Entrant Company, City: OMD NEW ZEALAND, Auckland
Media/Advertising Agency, City: OMD NEW ZEALAND, Auckland
2nd Media/Advertising Agency, City: TBWAWHYBIN, Auckland


Credit Details:
Name Position Company
Rebecca Houston Business Director OMD New Zealand
Will Douglas Media Planner/Buyer OMD New Zealand
Chloe Hardy Media Buyer OMD New Zealand
Sarah Goldring Group Account Director TBWA/Whybin New Zealand
Andy Blood Creative Director TBWA/Whybin New Zealand
Tracey Hazelwood Account Manager TBWA/Whybin New Zealand
Verity Butt Creative TBWA/Whybin New Zealand
Karen Maurice-O`Leary Creative TBWA/Whybin New Zealand

Innovative Media Strategy:
Pago is a financial innovation in New Zealand where, from a virtual wallet linked to an everyday bank account, users can text each other money, from one mobile phone to another. It was a dream brief - the client demanded and (research supported) non-conventional advertising. Key insight: The prospect target was defined as 'Digital Natives' - a tech savvy youth audience. Although highly cynical of conventional marketing messages they are captivated by innovation and digital development. Strategy: Capture attention through new technology and media innovation reflective of the Pago brand. The media solution discovers new touch points and embodies genuine media innovation.

Creative Execution:
Innovation and new media was key to engaging the target audience. The campaign utilised: - Hypertag and Bluetooth technology where recipients could download free money vouchers to their mobile phone - this directly motivated registration. - A totally new media channel by stickering the national currency - Pixelated a billboard using 30,000 Post-It-Notes to create an interactive outdoor experience where train commuters could take the message with them, Pago in one hand, mobile phone in the other….

Target Audience:
The 'youth' audience are mobile and seldom at home. - Radio promoted a new destination everyday where Hypertags (integrated into Street Furniture) gave away free money. - Bluezone technology got Pago onto the targets' mobile at the Big Day Out (BDO), the country's largest youth music festival. - The NZ$5 note was stickered and seeded into circulation at the BDO and key youth retailers. - The Post-It-Note billboard was constructed at the largest central train station encompassing the target.

Awareness goal +21% 2-months from launch. Registration +300% 1st-week. Mobile content downloaded to 76.4% of the registration goal "It was going to be a big challenge, after all there aren't too many campaigns that have created a brand, articulated a complex service and delivered acquisition all within one smallish(!) budget." V.Chong, Pago

Обсуждение закончено
Каннские Львы 2007 г.
27.06Итоги Cannes Lions 2007. Россиянам нужно набираться опыта 
26.06Promo Lions Winners 2007 Гран - при 
26.06Promo Lions Winners 2007
26.06Young Creatives Winners 2007
26.06Radio Lions Awards Winners 2007 Гран-При 
26.06Radio Lions Awards Winners 2007 Золото
26.06Radio Lions Awards Winners 2007 Серебро
26.06Radio Lions Awards Winners 2007 Бронза
26.06Special Lions Awards Winners 2007
26.06CYBER LIONS WINNERS 2007 Гран-При 
26.06CYBER LIONS WINNERS 2007 Золото
26.06CYBER LIONS WINNERS 2007 Серебро
26.06CYBER LIONS WINNERS 2007 Бронза
26.06Media Lions: Гран-при
26.06Media Lions: Серебро
26.06Media Lions: Золото
26.06Media Lions: Бронза
26.06OUTDOOR Lions Winners 2007 : Гран - при.
26.06OUTDOOR Lions Winners 2007 : Золото.
26.06OUTDOOR Lions Winners 2007 : Серебро.
26.06OUTDOOR Lions Winners 2007 : Бронза.
25.06Direct Lions Winners 2007 : Гран - при.
26.06Direct Lions Winners 2007 : Золото.
26.06Direct Lions Winners 2007 : Серебро.
26.06Direct Lions Winners 2007 : Бронза.
25.06Film Lions Winners 2007: Гран-при
25.06Film Lions Winners 2007: Золото
25.06Film Lions Winners 2007: Серебро
25.06Film Lions Winners 2007: Бронза
25.06Cannes Lions 2007: победители в номинации Press Lion - Гран-При 
25.06Cannes Lions 2007: победители в номинации Press Lion - Золото
25.06Cannes Lions 2007: победители в номинации Press Lion - Серебро
25.06Cannes Lions 2007: победители в номинации Press Lion - Бронза
25.06Dove "Evolution" стал лучшим рекламным роликом 2007 года 
22.06«Титановый лев» назвал своих возможных обладателей. 
22.06Наши снова в шорт-листе! В Каннах оценили живительное действие крабовых палочек VICI на медведя от Saatchi&Saatchi Moscow 
21.06Объявлены победители номинация Cyber Lions, Cyber Young Creatives, Press Lions и Interactive Agency of the Year. У России нет шансов, полагают эксперты 
20.06Если я кажусь тебе красавицей, ты слишком много выпил. представляет работы победителей номинации Media Lions 
20.06Названо лучшее медиа-агентство года: «Каннского льва» получило OMD USA
20.06Объявлены победители в номинациях Radio, Outdoor и Media. Сеть BBDO стало обладателем «Каннских львов»
19.06Жюри определило победителей в номинациях Direct Lions и Promo Lions. «Каннских львов» получили Испания и Новая Зеландия
19.06IQ не сдается. Сегодня опубликованы шорт-листы в категории Cyber Lions. Наши снова в списке 
19.06Наша креативная молодежь пока не подросла. В конкурсе Young Creatives категории Print победили чилийцы 
18.06Объявлены первые шорт-листы фестиваля. И снова IQ marketing в числе претендентов на «Каннских Львов». Украина и Россия вошли в список  
18.06Каннские прогнозы. Семерка фаворитов Боба Гарфилда 
18.06Открылся фестиваль Cannes Lions 2007 
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