URL: http://entries.se/e/volvotrucks/launch
Agency (city): Forsman & Bodenfors
Copywriter(s): Martin Ringqvist/Bjorn Engstrom
Art Director(s): Sophia Lindholm/ Anders Eklind
Production Company (& City): Sell It Smart Gmbh, Production Company/Ebay Specialists
Agency Producer(s): Digital: Peter Gaudiano
Account Director: Nina Dimitrova
Client Service Director: Sofia Cohen
Short explanation
The truck audience is hard to reach. Especially without buying any media. But they are always looking for spare parts on eBay, so we decided to launch the brand new Volvo FH there.
Volvo auctioned the first truck with the starting bid of one Euro. It was the first time anyone used the eBay platform for a complete launch site. It was based on a Top ten news story format with several films and interactive modules. We also held hundreds of smaller auctions to draw traffic to the big one.
The buzz was huge. Within ten days the truck was sold for way over market price and 170 000 visitors had interacted with the new truck - on their home turf.