22 декабря 2024 г.

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Golden Drum Grand Prix

Color 3

Year/ID: 2011 / B20029G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Washing detergent
Entry Series: Colors
Registrant: LEO BURNETT SP. Z O.O.
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Dreft
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Art director: Sylwia Rekawek
Copywriter: Justyna Nakielska
Creative director: Heinze Iwinski
Illustrator: Anna Halarewicz
Creative idea explanation: Using classical fashion drawings we present the problem of colour loss. Colourfull clothes painted with watercolor lose their colours, they smudge out. As a solution to this problem we present Dreft washing liquid.

Color 1

Year/ID: 2011 / B20027G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Washing detergent
Entry Series: Colors
Registrant: LEO BURNETT SP. Z O.O.
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Dreft
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Art director: Sylwia Rekawek
Copywriter: Justyna Nakielska
Creative director: Heinze Iwinski
Illustrator: Anna Halarewicz
Creative idea explanation: Using classical fashion drawings we present the problem of colour loss. Colourfull clothes painted with watercolor lose their colours, they smudge out. As a solution to this problem we present Dreft washing liquid.

Color 2

Year/ID: 2011 / B20028G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Washing detergent
Entry Series: Colors
Registrant: LEO BURNETT SP. Z O.O.
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Dreft
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Art director: Sylwia Rekawek
Copywriter: Justyna Nakielska
Creative director: Heinze Iwinski
Illustrator: Anna Halarewicz
Creative idea explanation: Using classical fashion drawings we present the problem of colour loss. Colourfull clothes painted with watercolor lose their colours, they smudge out. As a solution to this problem we present Dreft washing liquid.

Golden Drum


Year/ID: 2011 / B19011G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B19 Drinks
Product and services category: Amundsen Vodka
Brand name: Amundsen Vodka
Advertising agency, city: Ogilvy Prague
Art director: Dmitri Lebedev
Copywriter: Martin Demartini
Creative director: Tomáš Belko, Will Rust
Creative idea explanation: It is generally perceived, that vodka is getting better and purer with each distillation cycle. Amundsen is the only six times distilled vodka on the market. Rather than long explanations we created very simple visual riddle that illustrated how one can reach perfection in exactly six subsequent steps. We translated these six steps into small changes in facial features of world's dictators with unexpectedly good result. Using portraits of world's dictators as a topic was linked to high visibility, engagement and increased motivation to look closely and solve the riddle.

Apollo 13 Success

Year/ID: 2011 / B21012G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B21 Furnishings & electronic equipment
Product and services category: Second hand furniture
Entry Series: History Is For Free
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: Dank
Advertiser: Dank second hand furniture store
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Lucas Zaiden
Copywriter: Eduardo Marques
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Project manager: Gulin Erdogan

Berlin Wall

Year/ID: 2011 / B21013G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B21 Furnishings & electronic equipment
Product and services category: Second hand furniture
Entry Series: History Is For Free
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: Dank
Advertiser: Dank second hand furniture store
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Lucas Zaiden
Copywriter: Eduardo Marques
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Project manager: Gulin Erdogan

Obama Adresses

Year/ID: 2011 / B21014G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B21 Furnishings & electronic equipment
Product and services category: Second hand furniture
Entry Series: History Is For Free
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: Dank
Advertiser: Dank second hand furniture store
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Lucas Zaiden
Copywriter: Eduardo Marques
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Project manager: Gulin Erdogan

ADC UA We are not your mother 2

Year/ID: 2011 / B25026G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B25 Leisure, entertainment, culture & education
Product and services category: Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA)
Entry Series: ADC UA We are not your mother
Country: UKRAINE
Brand name: Art Directors Club Ukraine
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Ukraine
Art director: Pavel Klubnikin
Copywriter: Yaroslav Serdyuk
Creative director: Andrey Copots, Claus-Steffen Braun
Project manager: Katya Duda, Katya Denisenko
Production company: Lime Lite
Creative idea explanation: Objective.Announce the appearance and challenge of Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA) as the new all-Ukrainian international advertising festival. And to involve Ukraine's most creative agencies and creators - get them hooked. Solution.We came with a simple idea based on insight well known by everyone from the childhood. Everyone who ever tried to create something and then show it to someone. And there is at least one person in the whole world, who will always give you the greatest estimation - your mother. For your mum - you're always a winner. You are the one. Everything that goes from your pencil - is totally genius and worth the highest awards. Everyone who doubts that - just envies you and knows nothing in advertising. Your mum doesn't need any proof. But we - the ADC*UA jury members - demand it. So we dressed up key jury men in mothers' dresses, shot them in mothers' homes and said to everybody: "Sorry, we are not your mother. So think twice before submitting to ADC*UA".

ADC UA We are not your mother 5

Year/ID: 2011 / B25029G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B25 Leisure, entertainment, culture & education
Product and services category: Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA)
Entry Series: ADC UA We are not your mother
Country: UKRAINE
Brand name: Art Directors Club Ukraine
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Ukraine
Art director: Pavel Klubnikin
Copywriter: Yaroslav Serdyuk
Creative director: Andrey Copots, Claus-Steffen Braun
Project manager: Katya Denisenko, Katya Duda
Production company: Lime Lite
Creative idea explanation: Objective. Announce the appearance and challenge of Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA) as the new all-Ukrainian international advertising festival. And to involve Ukraine's most creative agencies and creators - get them hooked. Solution. We came with a simple idea based on insight well known by everyone from the childhood. Everyone who ever tried to create something and then show it to someone. And there is at least one person in the whole world, who will always give you the greatest estimation - your mother. For your mum - you're always a winner. You are the one. Everything that goes from your pencil - is totally genius and worth the highest awards. Everyone who doubts that - just envies you and knows nothing in advertising. Your mum doesn't need any proof. But we - the ADC*UA jury members - demand it. So we dressed up key jury men in mothers' dresses, shot them in mothers' homes and said to everybody: "Sorry, we are not your mother. So think twice before submitting to ADC*UA".

ADC UA We are not your mother 3

Year/ID: 2011 / B25027G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B25 Leisure, entertainment, culture & education
Product and services category: Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA)
Entry Series: ADC UA We are not your mother
Country: UKRAINE
Brand name: Art Directors Club Ukraine
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Ukraine
Art director: Pavel Klubnikin
Copywriter: Yaroslav Serdyuk
Creative director: Andrey Copots, Claus-Steffen Braun
Project manager: Katya Denisenko, Katya Duda
Production company: Lime Lite
Creative idea explanation: Objective. Announce the appearance and challenge of Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA) as the new all-Ukrainian international advertising festival. And to involve Ukraine's most creative agencies and creators - get them hooked.Solution.We came with a simple idea based on insight well known by everyone from the childhood. Everyone who ever tried to create something and then show it to someone. And there is at least one person in the whole world, who will always give you the greatest estimation - your mother. For your mum - you're always a winner. You are the one. Everything that goes from your pencil - is totally genius and worth the highest awards. Everyone who doubts that - just envies you and knows nothing in advertising. Your mum doesn't need any proof. But we - the ADC*UA jury members - demand it. So we dressed up key jury men in mothers' dresses, shot them in mothers' homes and said to everybody: "Sorry, we are not your mother. So think twice before submitting to ADC*UA".

ADC UA We are not your mother 1

Year/ID: 2011 / B25025G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B25 Leisure, entertainment, culture & education
Product and services category: Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA)
Entry Series: ADC UA We are not your mother
Country: UKRAINE
Brand name: Art Directors Club Ukraine
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Ukraine
Art director: Pavel Klubnikin
Copywriter: Yaroslav Serdyuk
Creative director: Andrey Copots, Claus-Steffen Braun
Project manager: Katya Denisenko, Katya Duda
Production company: Lime Lite
Creative idea explanation: Objective. Announce the appearance and challenge of Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA) as the new all-Ukrainian international advertising festival. And to involve Ukraine's most creative agencies and creators - get them hooked. Solution. We came with a simple idea based on insight well known by everyone from the childhood. Everyone who ever tried to create something and then show it to someone. And there is at least one person in the whole world, who will always give you the greatest estimation - your mother. For your mum - you're always a winner. You are the one. Everything that goes from your pencil - is totally genius and worth the highest awards. Everyone who doubts that - just envies you and knows nothing in advertising. Your mum doesn't need any proof. But we - the ADC*UA jury members - demand it. So we dressed up key jury men in mothers' dresses, shot them in mothers' homes and said to everybody: "Sorry, we are not your mother. So think twice before submitting to ADC*UA".

ADC UA We are not your mother 4

Year/ID: 2011 / B25028G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B25 Leisure, entertainment, culture & education
Product and services category: Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA)
Entry Series: ADC UA We are not your mother
Country: UKRAINE
Brand name: Art Directors Club Ukraine
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Ukraine
Art director: Pavel Klubnikin
Copywriter: Yaroslav Serdyuk
Creative director: Andrey Copots, Claus-Steffen Braun
Project manager: Katya Denisenko, Katya Duda
Production company: Lime Lite
Creative idea explanation: Objective.Announce the appearance and challenge of Art Directors Club Ukraine Awards (ADC*UA) as the new all-Ukrainian international advertising festival. And to involve Ukraine's most creative agencies and creators - get them hooked. Solution.We came with a simple idea based on insight well known by everyone from the childhood. Everyone who ever tried to create something and then show it to someone. And there is at least one person in the whole world, who will always give you the greatest estimation - your mother. For your mum - you're always a winner. You are the one. Everything that goes from your pencil - is totally genius and worth the highest awards. Everyone who doubts that - just envies you and knows nothing in advertising. Your mum doesn't need any proof. But we - the ADC*UA jury members - demand it. So we dressed up key jury men in mothers' dresses, shot them in mothers' homes and said to everybody: "Sorry, we are not your mother. So think twice before submitting to ADC*UA".

Silver Drum

Design Classics

Year/ID: 2011 / B18012G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B18 Food
Product and services category: Tomatoes
Country: AUSTRIA
Brand name: Ja! Natürlich Naturprodukte GmbH
Advertiser: Rewe group Austria, Ja! Natürlich Naturprodukte GmbH
Advertising agency, city: Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann Werbegesellschaft mbH, Vienna
Art director: AD: Roman Steiner, Graphic: Stefan Oehner
Copywriter: Arno Reisenbuechler
Creative director: Franz Merlicek, Rosa Haider
Photographer: Photographer: Bernhard Angerer, Art Buying: Ilona Urikow, DTP: Mario Goldsteiner
Other credits: Katharina Schmid (Account Supervisor), Corinna Haitzer (Account Management)

Creative idea explanation: Ad for the organics food brand Ja! Natuerlich in a special edition to mark the Vienna Design Week.


Year/ID: 2011 / B18031G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B18 Food
Product and services category: Hubba Bubba
Entry Series: Out Of Proportion
Registrant: GITAM BBDO LTD.
Country: ISRAEL
Brand name: Wrigley
Advertiser: Wrigley
Advertising agency, city: Gitam BBDO, Tel Aviv
Art director: Kamil Mekhti
Copywriter: Arnon Rotem
Creative director: Guy Bar, Eran Bar-Yochai
Illustrator: Miriam Moshinsky
Other credits: Account manager: Dror Tankus, Yuval Vaingast, Yael Meltzer, Avia Sagie


Year/ID: 2011 / B20014G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Home Security
Country: HUNGARY
Brand name: Modern Alarm
Advertiser: Modern Alarm
Advertising agency, city: Ogilvy Budapest
Art director: Zoltan Visy
Copywriter: Karolina Galacz
Creative director: Will Rust, Ferenc Benesch
Photographer: David Lukacs
Creative idea explanation: We took two double page spreads to tell two different stories about an apartment. In the first, we show the real cost of break-in. Stolen car keys, broken artifacts, ruined furniture. In the second, just the straightforward cost of installing a home security system from Modern Alarm.

Map 2

Year/ID: 2011 / B20025G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Washing detergent
Entry Series: Maps
Registrant: LEO BURNETT SP. Z O.O.
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Bonux
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Art director: Yigit Unan
Copywriter: Anna Gadecka
Creative director: Heinze Iwinski
Photographer: Lukasz Murgrabia
Creative idea explanation: The campaign for Bonux Color detergent tells the audience very recognizable stories for many households: when her son's jeans bleed on the dress of her daughter during laundry, a mom knows there will be a war in the house. Likewise a housewife will find herself in the crossfire if her husbands pyjamas modify the color of her own mother's blouse. Or without a doubt a girl is in a difficult position if her boyfriend's cardigan adds her brother's shirt some unwanted extra color. The stories are explained with a visual format inspired by tactical war maps. В In the maps the audience can see the garment with the stronger color attacking the garment with the weaker color. The campaign reminds the consumer in a light hearted way that in fact Bonux Color's offer far more than any other detergent, namely "peace at home."


Year/ID: 2011 / B18029G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B18 Food
Product and services category: Hubba Bubba
Entry Series: Out Of Proportion
Registrant: GITAM BBDO LTD.
Country: ISRAEL
Brand name: Wrigley
Advertiser: Wrigley
Advertising agency, city: Gitam BBDO, Tel Aviv
Art director: Kamil Mekhti
Copywriter: Arnon Rotem
Creative director: Guy Bar, Eran Bar-Yochai
Illustrator: Miriam Moshinsky
Other credits: Account manager: Dror Tankus,Yuval Vaingast,Yael Meltzer,Avia Sagie

Shape 1

Year/ID: 2011 / B20021G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Washing detergent
Entry Series: Shapes
Registrant: LEO BURNETT SP. Z O.O.
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Dreft
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Art director: Sylwia Rekawek - Robert Chudzik
Copywriter: Justyna Nakielska
Creative director: Heinze Iwinski
Photographer: Lukasz Murgrabia
Creative idea explanation: If you are wearing clothes that lost their oryginal shape it can be hard to notice your own shape.You also can look as if you lost your shape. If you want to protect your shape use Dreft washing liquid.


Year/ID: 2011 / B18030G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B18 Food
Product and services category: Hubba Bubba
Entry Series: Out Of Proportion
Registrant: GITAM BBDO LTD.
Country: ISRAEL
Brand name: Wrigley
Advertiser: Wrigley
Advertising agency, city: Gitam BBDO, Tel Aviv
Art director: Kamil Mekhti
Copywriter: Arnon Rotem
Creative director: Guy Bar, Eran Bar-Yochai
Illustrator: Miriam Moshinsky
Other credits: Account manager: Dror Tankus, Yuval Vaingast, Yael Meltzer, Avia Sagie


Year/ID: 2011 / B19016G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B19 Drinks
Product and services category: Budweiser Budvar
Entry Series: When this is the average Czech girl who the hell needs Alcohol
Registrant: KASPEN / JUNG V. MATT
Brand name: Budweiser Budvar Non Alcoholic
Advertiser: Budejovicky Budvar, national corporation
Advertising agency, city: Kaspen / Jung von Matt a.s., Prague
Art director: Troy Palmer
Copywriter: Dora Pruzincova
Creative director: Lester Tullett
Photographer: Miro Minarovych
Project manager: Lubos Jahoda
Production company: Pintlich
Creative idea explanation: This campaign which ran in men's Maxim magazine took a completely new view to non alcohol beer. It played on the well known insight, that the Czech Republic is filled with beautiful girls. In fact even the average Czech girl is pretty attractive. So, why normally you would need to drink alcoholic beer to make girls look more attractive, in the Czech republic, you just don't need it.

Shape 2

Year/ID: 2011 / B20022G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B20 Household maintenance
Product and services category: Washing detergent
Entry Series: Shapes
Registrant: LEO BURNETT SP. Z O.O.
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Dreft
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Advertising agency, city: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Art director: Sylwia Rekawek - Robert Chudzik
Copywriter: Justyna Nakielska
Creative director: Heinze Iwinski
Photographer: Lukasz Murgrabia
Creative idea explanation: If you are wearing clothes that lost their oryginal shape it can be hard to notice your own shape.You also can look as if you lost your shape. If you want to protect your shape use Dreft washing liquid.


Year/ID: 2011 / B28026G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B28 Media
Product and services category: News channel
Entry Series: CNN Turk World News
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: CNN Turk
Advertiser: CNN Turk
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Hande Guler
Copywriter: Can Faga
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Photographer: Bora Subakan


Year/ID: 2011 / B23018G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B23 Automotive
Product and services category: The New Caddy Maxi
Entry Series: Optical Illusion
Registrant: DDB BUDAPEST
Country: HUNGARY
Brand name: Volkswagen
Advertiser: Porsche Hungaria
Advertising agency, city: DDB, Budapest
Art director: Rodrigo Fernandes, Carlos Ramas
Copywriter: Laszlo Hevesi, Giovanni Pintaude
Creative director: Peter Tordai
Illustrator: Rodrigo Fernandes
Other credits: Eszter Sallai

Creative idea explanation: Objective: To launch the new VW Caddy Maxi among tough competitors, communicating some of its outstanding new features. Concept: Things can sometimes seem or feel different than they really are. In the new Caddy Maxi this is truer than ever. Distances feel shorter because of the driving comfort. Loads seem smaller because of the longer and bigger loading space. And you get the impression that there's always more fuel in the tank due to the low consumption. We proved these facts visually by using techniques adapted to each feature of the Caddy. Target audience: Small business owners.


Year/ID: 2011 / B28024G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B28 Media
Product and services category: News channel
Entry Series: CNN Turk World News
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: CNN Turk
Advertiser: CNN Turk
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Hande Guler
Copywriter: Can Faga
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Photographer: Bora Subakan


Year/ID: 2011 / B28027G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B28 Media
Product and services category: News channel
Entry Series: CNN Turk World News
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: CNN Turk
Advertiser: CNN Turk
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Hande Guler
Copywriter: Can Faga
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Photographer: Bora Subakan


Year/ID: 2011 / B28025G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B28 Media
Product and services category: News channel
Entry Series: CNN Turk World News
Registrant: DDB&CO.
Country: TURKEY
Brand name: CNN Turk
Advertiser: CNN Turk
Advertising agency, city: DDB&Co. Istanbul
Art director: Hande Guler
Copywriter: Can Faga
Creative director: Karpat Polat
Photographer: Bora Subakan


Year/ID: 2011 / B29017G11
Group: B Press
Subgroup: B29 Financial & business services
Product and services category: Bank Forum
Country: UKRAINE
Brand name: Bank Forum
Advertising agency, city: Ogilvy & Mather Ukraine, Kyiv
Art director: Taras Dzendrovskii
Copywriter: Alexandra Doroguntsova
Creative director: Will Rust
Other credits: Martin Alles - Strategic Planner, Irina Pigal - Producer, Svetlana Polyakova, Alexandra Savonik, Svetlana Korytko - Account Director

Creative idea explanation: The campaign idea builds on the ironic exaggeration of a genuine German feature - scrupulousness. Yet, when speaking finance, preciseness can be solely perceived as a benefit. By dramatizing such an accuracy, the campaign communicates that Forum Bank runs its business and business of its clients in a well-ordered and thorough manner.


19-й международный фестиваль рекламы Golden Drum пройдет в Портороже в Словении, с 2 по 5 октября. За годы своего существования Golden Drum вышел на позиции одного из самых ожидаемых мероприятий для рекламистов со всего мира. Для многих фестиваль является самым важным и заметным обзором рекламного мира за год, превосходя в этом даже фестиваль Cannes Lions.

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