18 декабря 2024 г.

Golden Hammer дал России 17 наград

В Риге завершился одиннадцатый международный фестиваль рекламы Golden Hammer. Традиционно для постсоветского пространства, весомая доля в списке победителей отдана России. Наши креаторы получили два золота и 15 серебряных наград: фаворитами судьи сделали работу Wrinkles от Saatchi & Saatchi Russia Russia и Postcard Business Card от Transformer Studio (их можно посмотреть в нижеприведенной таблице).

Среди российских обладателей серебра - "МЕГА" и IKEA от Instinct, работа BBDO Russia для моментального клея "Секунда". "Муха" с Павлом Кабановым от JWT Russia, инсталляция "Выпил - на заводись!" агентства ZAVOD, Toyota Prius от BrandStudio. Вирусная кампания бритв от Ogilvy Group Russia, "Чтение" Leo Burnett и их же кейс "Твой Corby говорит за тебя".

А также Making Contact with Non-Humans и Sensational Whiteness with Persil at Sensation! от Optimum Media OMD, кампания для Multilingua от золотых призеров - Transformer Studio, фирменный стиль фестивля "Идея!2010" агентства "Восход", их же 3D-туберкулез, CanCamera Leo Burnett Moscow. И, наконец, кейс от R&I Group "Достучаться до небес".

Перечислять оставшихся российских лауреатов не имеет смысла: их довольно внушительное количество. В таблице их статус обозначен как "Diploma".

Обращает на себя внимание работа "Кинографа" для Евросети. Кейс с Ксенией Собчак в главной роли собрал увесистый букет наград, включая золото. Тем не менее, ритейлер отказался от услуг этого агентства, так что теперь с Собчак будут работать уже другие креаторы.

В Номинации "Радиореклама" жюри отметило три казахских работы для копицентра - они уже выигрывали, к примеру, на ММФР Red Apple 2009.

Сетью этого года решением судий стала Ogilvy. Они же наградили еще три агентства: Creativity Case - Ogilvy&Mather Advertising Romania; Media folder - Leo Burnett Moscow Russia; Access key - Kinograf Ukraine.

Креативное жюри фестиваля возглавлил Джон Пэллант (John Pallant) - Regional Creative Director, Europe, Middle East and Africa at Saatchi&Saatchi, UK. Российских специалистов среди судий этой категории не было.

Медиажюри руководила Анна Любовска (Anna Lubowska) - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mediaedge:cia CEE, Poland. Среди ее коллег был Руперт Макпетри (Rupert McPetrie) - CEO at ZenithOptimedia Moscow - в общем-то, единственный представитель России в жюри.

Интерактивное жюри возглавил Маркус Гранненфельт (Markus Grannenfelt) - CEO of White Sheep Isobar, Vice President, Digital / Aegis Media, Finland.


Creativity Case Ogilvy&Mather Advertising Romania  
Media folder Leo Burnett Moscow Russia  
Access key Kinograf Ukraine  
TV Ads
 A-1 Foodstuffs, beverages, animal and pet food
Ostrich  Saatchi & Saatchi South Africa Gold
Escape - The Film  Ogilvy Group Ukraine Ukraine Silver
Revo Wall  PROVID Ukraine Diploma

Skittles_Juicy Exotic  SapientNitro Russia Diploma

A-2  Alcohol beverages 
Moving Riga  Milk Lithuania Silver
A-3  Clothing, beauty products, hygiene products, medications, Household goods, pet products, office equipment, construction, transport
Shoe  Instinct Russia Silver

A-4  Services (tourism, entertainment, sports, mass media, culture, education)
Drama Queen  TBWAPHS Helsinki Finland Gold, Grand Prix
The Withch 3 McCann-Erickson Riga Latvia Diploma
A-5  Services (telecommunications, financial, trade, insurance, retail) 
25 Years  Instinct Russia Silver

Breathe  Ogilvy Group Ukraine Ukraine Silver

Mayakovsky Adventa Lowe Ukraine Diploma
A-6  Social 
Fly  JWT Russia Russia Silver

Child as a Mirror  KING Helsinki Finland Diploma
Nickolay  Ogilvy Group Russia Russia Diploma
Polarosaurs  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Diploma

Print Ads
B-1  Foodstuffs, beverages, animal and pet food 
WRINKLED FINGER  TBWA / Central Asia Kazakhstan Diploma
B-2  Alcohol beverages
mushroom  Instinct Russia Diploma

B-3  Clothing, beauty products, hygiene products, medications, Household goods, pet products, office equipment, construction, transport
POLICE TICKET  Ogilvy&Mather Budapest Hungary Silver
Sting  Saatchi & Saatchi Switzerland/Romania Switzerland Romania Silver
WANTED  Ogilvy&Mather Budapest Hungary Diploma
Hard day  Saatchi & Saatchi Russia Russia Diploma
Last Night 
B-4  Services (tourism, entertainment, sports, mass media, culture, education) 
Pasaka print campaign - "E.T."  UAB "Adell reklama" Lithuania Diploma
Pasaka print campaign "R2D2" 
Pasaka print campaign "Birds" 
B-5  Services (telecommunications, financial, trade, insurance, retail)
bolt  Instinct Russia Diploma
old 1  Instinct Russia Diploma
old 2 
old 3 
B-6  Social 
The Big Turn Off  Ogilvy&Mather Advertising Romania Gold, Grand Prix
Birds - Swallow  Saatchi&Saatchi Romania Romania Gold
Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Silver
Suicide  Ogilvy&Mather Czech Republic Silver
B-7  Other (a category will be chosen by the judges)
Reading  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Diploma
Outdoor Posters
C-1  Foodstuffs, beverages, animal and pet food 
Merrild Coffee Cup Wall  OMD Latvia Latvia Diploma
C-3  Clothing, beauty products, hygiene products, medications, Household goods, pet products, office equipment, construction, transport
Wrinkles  Saatchi & Saatchi Russia Russia Gold
Balerine  BBDO Russia Russia Silver
POLICE TICKET  Ogilvy&Mather Budapest Hungary Silver
WANTED  Ogilvy&Mather Budapest Hungary Diploma
C-4  Services (tourism, entertainment, sports, mass media, culture, education)
Warm-up  Ogilvy Group Ukraine Ukraine Silver
C-6  Social
Punch Machine  Ogilvy&Mather Advertising Romania Silver
Street Children01  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Diploma
Street Children02 
Radio Ads 
D-3  Clothing, beauty products, hygiene products, medications, Household goods, pet products, office equipment, construction, transport 
Both Sides  TBWA / Central Asia Kazakhstan Silver
Faster and Better 
Seven Days 

D-5  Services (telecommunications, financial, trade, insurance, retail)
Medication Against Boredom  McCann-Erickson Riga Latvia Silver
Mayakovsky Adventa Lowe Ukraine Silver
Interactive Media
E-1  Corporate websites, Information resources - NEWS PORTALS; Service projects: on-line services, on-line stores, catalogues, search services; Non-commercial projects: entertainment, culture, humanities, ecology, microsites
Toyota Prius  BrandStudio Russia Silver
Speed of Light  Gaumina Lithuania Diploma
Hobby Tuner  Wiktor Leo Burnett Slovakia Diploma
E-2  Simple banners: GIF, JPG, Media banners: flash, HTML, rich-media; Beyond The Banner (interstitials, push technology, etc.)
Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Gold
Give a pass!  Adwatch Russia Diploma
Less words - more action for your native city!  Studio7 Ukraine Diploma
E-3  Internet campaigns 
Kseniya Sobchack. Crash.  Kinograf Ukraine Gold

Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Silver
Milana  ADM Interactive Estonia Diploma
PumpMan  Gaumina Lithuania Diploma
CanCamera  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Diploma
The Pink Squad Wiktor Leo Burnett Slovakia Diploma
E-4  E-mail Marketing / Newsletters, animated greeting cards
Airbaltic Christmas greeting  Cube-Media Latvia Silver
AXE TV: gift the good news  LLC GRAPE Russia Diploma
E-5  Viral video
Kseniya Sobchack. Crash.  Kinograf Ukraine Gold

Uneasy Stocking Date  Ogilvy Group Russia Russia Silver
Balloons  Ogilvy Group Russia Russia
Aquapark  Ogilvy Group Russia Russia

Raitis Reverss/Running Backwards viral video  DDB Worldwide Latvia Latvia Diploma
Extreme on Moscow River Saatchi & Saatchi Russia Russia Diploma
Extreme goal 
BBQ Football 
E-6  Other (a category will be chosen by the judges)
Elmenhorster Juice Empire  Interactive Marketing Partner Baltic, UAB Lithuania Gold
Madara drinks web game  Digibrand Latvia Silver
Will I survive until the end of the year?  Euro RSCG Prague Czech Republic Diploma
Your Corby Speaks for You  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Diploma
Best Use of Media 
F-1   Best use of Television 
Announcement Wiktor Leo Burnett Slovakia Diploma
F-2   Best use of Radio 
Let s encourage ours together! Media House Latvia Silver
F-3   Best use of Print Media 
Reading  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Silver
F-4   Best use of Outdoor Media (posters, stands, pillars, signboards, neon signs, pneumatic constructions, decorations, transport) 
Zebrafest ACG Advertising Agency Hungary Gold
Kalnapilis Summer Promo Media House Lithuania Silver
Calve. Tomatoes only.  BBDO Russia Russia Diploma
Sony Ericsson C510 campaign Smile hunt!  Media House Estonia Diploma
F-5   Best use of Indoor Media (posters, stands, pillars, signboards, neon signs, decorations) 
Your Corby Speaks for You  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Silver
F-6   Best use of Internet 
Making Contact with Non-Humans  Optimum Media OMD Russia Silver
Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Diploma
F-7   Best use of Media Mix 
Kseniya Sobchack. Crash.  Kinograf Ukraine Gold

A garden for Antwerp  Saatchi & Saatchi Belgium Silver
Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Diploma
Lietuvos Draudimas / RSA. 50 ct  MediaCom Lithuania Diploma
"Don't throw away the money in a pit"  Inspired Communications Latvia Diploma
F-8   Best use of Guerilla Marketing (Legal Graffiti/Murals, Word of Mouth/Buzz), Product Placement, Street Teams 
TELE2 Meteorite lands in Latvia  Inspired Communications Latvia Gold

Rain of flowers  Publicis Group Austria Austria Gold
Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Diploma
F-9   Best use of Sponsorship, Event/Nightlife Marketing
Sensational Whiteness with Persil at Sensation!  Optimum Media OMD Russia Silver
Diademine Street Painters  BBDO Russia Russia Diploma
F-10 Best use of Alternative Media (Blog, In-Game Advertising, Mobile Marketing, Screensavers, SMS (Short Message Service), Video Projections)
3d projection:When fairy tales come true  UAB Publicum Media Lithuania Silver
Jokos 360 App Trip  Omnicom Media Group Germany GmbH Germany Silver
CanCamera  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Diploma
Art direction
G-1  Label and packaging 
The drink that didn't have a name  DDB Vilnius Lithuania Silver
Gauss bulbs packaging  fastway: ideas that rock! Russia Diploma
DRYG NARODA  Clсver Russia Diploma
G-2  Logo Design, corporate Design, corporate identity (integrated solutions), Annual reports, brochures & catalogues 
Fill the gap  Transformer Studio Russia Silver
Find your Idea!  Voskhod Russia Silver
Sangar  Identity Ltd. Estonia Silver
Estonian Centre of Architecture  Identity Ltd. Estonia Diploma
G-3  Booklets, Calendars, POS materials (stickers, shelf-talkers etc.) 
Tuberculosis 3D Test  Voskhod Russia Diploma
G-4  Other (a category will be chosen by the judges) 
Sweeney Todd: the Thriller  DDB Vilnius Lithuania Gold
Postcard Business Card  Transformer Studio Russia Gold
TELE2 Meteorite lands in Latvia  Inspired Communications Latvia Gold

The Eagle-Eyed Johnny  ADELL Saatchi&Saatchi Latvia Silver
CanCamera  Leo Burnett Moscow Russia Silver
The Pink Squad  Wiktor Leo Burnett Slovakia Silver
Omnitel Let LOVE Lithuania Silver
Street Children  Leo Burnett Ukraine Ukraine Diploma
What would we be buying if it hadn't happened?  Euro RSCG Prague Czech Republic Diploma
Kseniya Sobchack. Crash.  Kinograf Ukraine Diploma

Life is a Search  Saatchi & Saatchi Russia Russia Diploma
Free Looking  Saatchi & Saatchi Italy Diploma
I-2  Direct marketing materials (B2C, B2B) 
5ok ANTIViral campaign  Talan Group (Talan Proximity) Ukraine Diploma

Фестиваль Golden Hammer организован Латвийской организацией Рекламы. Впервые он прошел в 1994 году, а в 1999-м фестиваль получил статус международного. В этом году Golden Hammer состоялся в тринадцатый раз. Во время него известные профессионалы рекламной индустрии провели несколько семинаров, а жюри выбрало лучшие работы. Они оценивались в номинациях: TV, Print, Radio Ads, Outdoor posters, Interactive media, Best use of media, Art direction, Advertising campaigns, Direct marketing.

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