Konstantin Tserazov: five signs that your relationship will last a long time

2023-07-25 17:27:50 Время чтения 4 мин 194

The beginning of a relationship is always a period of romance. At this stage, everyone lives in the hope that the romance will be happy. But how do you know if the relationship will really last? Psychologist Tserazov Konstantin named five signs of a future strong union.

1. You have a life outside of relationships. Of course, we all strive to spend most of our time with our loved ones. But if this communication becomes like a prison, you are forced to come up with reasons and even lie in order to meet friends, or if after socializing outside of a relationship you feel guilty that you did not spend time with your "half" - this is a signal of an unhealthy addiction. “Strong connections outside of relationships, regular communication with friends, relatives, colleagues is a guarantee that you will not become a prisoner of communication with your chosen one. The time will come, and it is these connections outside of relationships that can help you survive difficulties, ”emphasizes Konstantin Tserazov.

2. You understand and accept that your opinions may differ. Quarrels and disputes are inevitable, and if you do not go to extremes, do not take the position “There are only two opinions - mine and wrong”, do not start disputes on any occasion and do not strive to always insist on your own, try to find a compromise - your relationship will last a very long time.

3. You change for the better under the influence of your novel. If communication with a loved one gives not only pleasure, but also some useful habits or skills, for example, you notice that you have become more careful, read more, watch, travel, play sports - you can congratulate yourself on an important sign of a long relationship.

4. You turn to each other for help. If you're not shy about asking each other for help, that's a good sign of a healthy, long-term relationship. “A request for support means trust, and the willingness to respond to such a request indicates the seriousness of intentions,” says Konstantin Vladimirovich Tserazov.

5. You motivate each other to succeed in your profession. If you are keenly interested in each other's careers, help with advice, are ready to help the chosen one in professional growth, calmly accept the fact that in order to build a career, you sometimes have to sacrifice communication with your loved one - your relationship will surely last a long time.

About the author 

Konstantin Tserazov. In 1994 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Clinical Psychology. In 2005 he graduated from the Moscow Gestalt Institute, where he studied the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy. The total work experience is more than 25 years.

Konstantin Tserazov, psychologist