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«Белый Квадрат» опубликовал шорт-листы!


Международный XI Фестиваль маркетинга и рекламы «Белый Квадрат» в самом разгаре! Он проходит в Минске с 17 по 19 апреля. Сегодня стали известны шорт-листы фестиваля, и россиян в них традиционно очень много.




A101. Lively Apartments, Lovely Neighbors, agency TUTKOVBUDKOV, Russia
Choice, agency Voskhod, Russia
Delivery, agency Voskhod, Russia
EVERYWHERE, agency Instinct (BBDO Group), Russia
The wrong bank, agency Voskhod, Russia

F2 Online

Happy losing, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
Modulbank «SPASIBO», agency Friends Moscow, Russia
Runner from series Serial killer, agency Zebra Hero, Russia
The saw up, agency DDB Russia , Russia

F3 Film Craft

#Romanovs100: 4,000 photos. 4 social networks. 1 family., RT, Russia
A101. Lively Apartments, Lovely Neighbors, agency TUTKOVBUDKOV, Russia
Delivery, agency Voskhod, Russia
Entrepreneured in the head, agency Voskhod, Russia
Inventory, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
Samvel, Yandex.Taxi in-house studio, Russia
The wrong bank, agency Voskhod, Russia


P1 Print

series of entries Utair «Where You Belong», agency Friends Moscow, Russia

P2 Print Craft

BERGEN, Depot , Russia


O1 Outdoor

Billbird, agency Soda Creative Band (входит в AG Deltaplan ), Russia
Bushe, agency Suprematika, Russia
Rain Wi-Fi, agency Geometry Global Moscow, Russia
series of entries Utair «Where You Belong», agency Friends Moscow, Russia
Yandex.Taxi We know our city, REDKEDS Creative Agency, Russia


K1 Multi-platform campaigns

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
Orange Fitness, agency Ruport, Russia
This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia
Utair «Where You Belong», agency Friends Moscow, Russia

K2 Digital & Social

Face the cake, agency Zebra Hero, Russia
Putin turns on the Rain, agency Voskhod, Russia

K3 Viral campaign

This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia

K4 Product / brand launch campaign

Warface Banana Royale, agency SLAVA , Russia

K5 Image campaign

This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia
Time to Speak, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia
Utair «Where You Belong», agency Friends Moscow, Russia (moved from K4 Product / brand launch campaign)

K6 Low budget campaign

KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia

K7 Selfpromo

New Year Teleport, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia


N1 Visual branded content

The saw up, agency DDB Russia

N2 Audio branded content

Heartbeat project, agency Friends Moscow, Russia
Sound in the leading role, agency RUCOM, Russia (moved from N1 Visual branded content)

N3 Interactive branded content

Goodbye to the Middle Ages!, agency Possible Group, Russia

N5 Brand experience

Rain Wi-Fi, agency Geometry Global Moscow, Russia
Renault Drive Therapy, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia
Vacations for Calories, agency Proximity (BBDO Russia Group), Russia
Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia (moved from N1 Visual branded content)




A1 Use of channel / medium

Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia
Coca-Cola Kokoshnik, agency Ark Connect ( ARK Group ), Russia
Renault Drive Therapy, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia
The Point of No Return, agency Great Advertising Group, Russia
This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia

A2 Use of brand experience

«Dostup» Project (*Access), agency Mosaic media, Russia
2018 in Review: Yandex.Taxi Riders' Personal Stats, Yandex.Taxi in-house studio, Russia
A look that sounds, agency e:mg , Russia
Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
Plate & Bowl, RODNYA Creative PR Studio, Russia
Renault Drive Therapy, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia
Rewind to the 80's, agency e:mg , Russia
Time:Sharing, agency DPG Russia , Russia

A3 Use of technology

«Dostup» Project (*Access), agency Mosaic media, Russia
Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia

A4 Strategy

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
Renault Drive Therapy, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia

A5 Campaign

«Dostup» Project (*Access), agency Mosaic media, Russia
24 Hours of Le MKAD, agency e:mg , Russia
Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
TOYOTA PUSH THE LIMIT, agency Adwise , Russia

A6 Low budget project

Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia
Putin turns on the Rain, agency Voskhod, Russia
Safe the Rap, Deep creative digital agency (входит в Eventum Premo ), Russia


C1 Use of PR practice

24 Hours of Le MKAD, agency e:mg , Russia
KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
«When Your Girlfriend is Ill», agency ROOM485 (part of RCG ), Russia (moved from A2 Use of brand experience)

C2 Digital & Social

Putin turns on the Rain, agency Voskhod, Russia

C3 Influencer

A look that sounds, agency e:mg , Russia

C4 Strategy

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia

C5 Campaign

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia


H1 Use of direct medium

Rewind to the 80's, agency e:mg , Russia
Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia (moved from H2 Digital & Social)

H2 Digital & Social

Putin turns on the Rain, agency Voskhod, Russia

H3 Strategy

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia

H4 Campaign

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia


I1 Innovations

Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia


E1 Creative effectiveness

«Dostup» Project (*Access), agency Mosaic media, Russia
Coca-Cola Kokoshnik, agency Ark Connect , Russia
This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia
Time to Grow. Time to Speak, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia



D1 Websites

Goodbye to the Middle Ages!, agency Possible Group, Russia

D2 Interactive projects

Putin turns on the Rain, agency Voskhod, Russia

D3 Pre-rolls

Predictable Swedes, agency Great Advertising Group, Russia
Pre-roll drama «The buzz', agency Bootleg , Russia

D5 Integrated digital campaign

Face the cake, agency Zebra Hero, Russia

D6 Viral campaign

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia

D8 Branded tech and innovations

Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia
Rain Wi-Fi, agency Geometry Global Moscow, Russia

D9 Digital Craft

Goodbye to the Middle Ages!, agency Possible Group, Russia


G5 Mobile tech and innovations

Rain Wi-Fi, agency Geometry Global Moscow, Russia


T2 Data driven insight

Utair «Where You Belong», agency Friends Moscow, Russia

T4 Use of real-time data

Rose Index, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
Zolla Don't miss the summer, agency SLAVA , Russia



M1 Integrated campaign

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
Utair «Where You Belong», agency Friends Moscow, Russia

M2 Low budget campaign

KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia


V1 Use of TV & Other Screens

This is YOTA ad, agency Friends Moscow, Russia

V4 Use of Ambient Media

KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
The Point of No Return, agency Great Advertising Group, Russia

V6 Use of Digital Platforms

Goodbye to the Middle Ages!, agency Possible Group, Russia
Pre-roll drama «The buzz', agency Bootleg , Russia
Putin turns on the Rain, agency Voskhod, Russia

V8 Use of Social Platforms

Durex Social Newsroom, agency Havas Creative Group Russia, Russia

V9 Use of Technology

Beware of Bots, agency Possible Group, Russia
Have an idea? Post it!, agency Marvelous LLC, Russia

W2 Excellence in Media Planning

Evotor Smart Terminals Start Up for a New Audience, agency JAMI GROUP , Russia

W4 Use of Data

How to make Big Data even Bigger and get the Big impact!, agencies OMD Media Direction & Segmento & Media Direction Programmatic, Russia

W5 Use of Programmatic

How to make Big Data even Bigger and get the Big impact!, agencies OMD Media Direction & Segmento & Media Direction Programmatic, Russia



B1 Logo

Layered, agency Voskhod, Russia
Loudhead, agency Suprematika, Russia

B2 Corporate identity

Aquality, agency Depot , Russia
Branding for Yomko, agency Nimax , Russia
Bushe, agency Suprematika, Russia
Gotcha, agency Suprematika, Russia
Hydroid, agency Terminal design, Russia
Layered, agency Voskhod, Russia
NAR rebrand, agency TUTKOVBUDKOV, Russia
Vyborg identity, agency SETTERS, Russia
ZHEESHEE Production Branding, agency Creative Brands, Russia

B4 Multi-page editions

Annual report, agency Volga Volga Brand Identity, Russia

B6 Brand environment & experience design

Bushe, agency Suprematika, Russia
Gratitude on our skin, agency e:mg , Russia
Layered, agency Voskhod, Russia


Q1 Website design

Goodbye to the Middle Ages!, agency Possible Group, Russia
ZHEESHEE Website, agency Creative Brands, Russia

Q3 Design of virtual promo-tools

Warface Banana Royale, agency SLAVA , Russia


X1 Packaging of foodstuffs

BERGEN, agency Depot, Russia

X2 Packaging of non-food products

Equre, agency Репина Брендинг , Russia
Forte Femme Perfume, agency Voskhod, Russia
SkinHead shampoo packaging design, agency DDC.Lab , Russia



S1 Socially-oriented film

KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
THE STORY OF ONE BULLYING travli.Net, agency More (BBDO Group), Russia

S2 Socially-oriented print

series of entries The floor plan of homeless, agency Kollegi, Russia

S3 Socially-oriented radio

Vicious circle, agency Havas Creative Group Russia

S4 Socially-oriented project / campaign

Forte Femme, agency Voskhod, Russia
KOSHOGO, agency Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia
Renault Drive Therapy, agency BBDO Russia Group, Russia

Победители фестиваля станут известны 19 апреля.

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